Dr. Stacy Goodwill and Dr. Jessica Majidian have met many patients in our Fargo, ND, dental office who have lost some or all of their teeth. Others may need several teeth extracted due to facial trauma or severe decay or periodontal disease. The loss of their teeth often makes these patients feel self-conscious, and they may refuse to smile. Unfortunately, studies have shown that people who do not smile have a higher risk of suffering from depression. At Cornerstone Dental, we offer our patients with missing teeth several denture options to restore their smile and boost their confidence. We offer partial and full dentures and can provide traditional or implant-supported models.
A denture consists of one or more prosthetic teeth attached to a gum-colored base, which fits snugly against a patient’s gums. We offer patients a choice between several types of dentures, including traditional full or partial, dental implant-supported, and fixed implant supported dentures. The doctors provide our patients who still have teeth remaining in their dental arch with traditional partial dentures. For those who need all of the teeth in an arch or both arches replaced, we offer full, or complete, dentures. Traditional dentures provide an excellent non-invasive option for replacing teeth. Implant-supported and All-on-4® dentures attach to tiny metal posts surgically placed in a patient’s jaw. Our doctors have years of experience placing all types of dentures and will help you decide which option provides the best choice for your smile.
Patients have several denture types to choose from, depending on how many teeth they need to be replaced and how invasive a procedure they are willing to endure. We proudly offer our patients the following denture options:
Partial dentures are designed to fit in among a patient’s remaining healthy teeth in order to complete their smile like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. They consist of specially-made ceramic teeth attached to a base made of acrylic or metal that is designed to fit around nearby natural teeth. They can replace both consecutive and nonconsecutive missing teeth at the same time, and they typically don’t require the alteration of a patient’s natural teeth.
Full dentures are able to replace an entire arch of teeth at the same time, dramatically improving a patient’s ability to eat, speak, and smile. These are created using an impression of the mouth in order to ensure the perfect fit. Dentures have a plastic piece that fits against the roof of the mouth, meaning it’s able to stay in position solely thanks to natural suction. This means patients don’t have to use any denture adhesive.
Some of our patients desire dentures that require no adhesives. Others have worn traditional dentures in the past, and wish for a more stable, secure-fitting appliance. These patients have the option of choosing implant-supported dentures. For these dentures, tiny posts made of titanium into the patient’s jaw to replace the roots of missing teeth. Patients must have enough bone density in the jaw to support the implants, or they may need to have a bone graft or sinus lift prior to implant surgery. The biocompatible implants fuse with the bone as the site heals, stimulating the jaw and preventing it from shrinking. Our doctors place tiny connectors, called abutments, on the head of each implant. The denture snaps on and off of these connectors with ease, and they provide stability and security, with no slippage.
To place these dentures, first four implants must be placed in the front of the patient’s jaw, where the bone naturally grows denser. Rather than a removable appliance that snaps on and off of the implants, the denture is permanently attached to the implants immediately after placing them. Once placed, only a dentist can remove these dentures. Because they provide superior stability and stay in the mouth at all times, many patients report that the All-on- 4® dentures feel the most like natural teeth.
As you get ready for dentures, you may wonder how the prosthetics are made. After all, knowing such details would help confirm your treatment’s benefits. Still, you may not grasp where to start the learning process. Fortunately, the Cornerstone Dental team is here to help: below is a summary of what goes into dentures and the methods used to create them. Feel free to read it over to better prepare for your procedure. Otherwise, you can always call us at our office – we’ll happily answer!
Put plainly, dentures are made of two parts: the base and the artificial teeth. Each of the latter components is necessary for treatment to work. As proof, here are more detailed descriptions:
Dentures are custom-made for each patient. As a result, making them involves a multi-step process. Said steps are:
Learn More About All-on-4 Dental Implant
Of course, it’ll take some time for you to adjust to your new dentures. Initially, they may cause mild soreness, and you might struggle to speak or eat with them. Rest assured, though, that these effects are normal – your mouth will acclimate eventually, with the restorations feeling like natural teeth.
If you’d like, you can take actions that speed up the adjustment process. These practices range from eating soft foods to exercising the face, as well as experimenting with adhesives. Should the discomfort persist, however, contact your dentist at once. It’s possible the prosthetics need further adjustment.
Patients have several denture types to choose from, depending on how many teeth they need to be replaced and how invasive a procedure they are willing to endure. We proudly offer our patients the following denture options:
Some of the major factors that affect the cost of dentures include:
Keep in mind that if you come across any deals for “cheap” dentures, the quality may not be what you are looking for. It is best to invest in trustworthy treatment from the outset.
Yes, implant dentures in Fargo cost more than non-implant prosthetics. The reason behind the higher price is simply that the implant dentures process requires much more time, work, and materials than that for traditional dentures.
Of course, price isn’t the only thing you should consider when you are weighing your tooth replacement options. Implant dentures last much longer than traditional ones. Plus, they provide a strong bite force, jawbone protection, and other remarkable benefits. Most patients and dentists would agree that they are a better value than traditional prosthetics.
Most dental insurance policies classify dentures as a “major procedure,” which typically means that about 50% of their cost is covered, up to the amount of a plan’s annual maximum. For many people, their insurance can reduce their out-of-pocket cost for dentures by $1,000 or more. Our team will be happy to help you navigate your benefits and file your claims. We are even in-network with popular Delta Dental plans, which can help you save as much as possible on your treatment.
As your denture dentist in Fargo, we want you to be able to afford your restored smile! In addition to helping you with insurance, we offer other provisions that may make your treatment easier to afford. For example, we work with both CareCredit and Lending Club to offer attractive monthly payment plans. Most patients are approved for credit, and the application process is easy. You may be able to choose from several payment plans according to what works best for your budget.
Would you like to learn more about dentures and their cost? Schedule a consultation with us today. Our team looks forward to serving you!
To learn more about the dentures we provide, and which type may work best for you, call our Fargo, ND dental office and schedule your consultation.
Dentures are a life-changing tooth replacement option for people who are missing several, most of, or all of their teeth! However, choosing a tooth replacement option is a huge decision, so it pays to be well-informed. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we receive about dentures in Fargo. If you don’t see the information that you’re looking for below, feel free to give us a call . We’d be happy to walk you through the process and get you started with an initial consultation.
Repairing a damaged tooth whenever possible is always preferable to replacing it. Tooth extractions of any kind will only ever be recommended if deemed absolutely necessary, like when a tooth is too damaged to save thanks to extensive decay, severe infection, or trauma that has broken off most of the enamel. If all teeth in an arch are decayed or infected with gum disease, replacing them with dentures may be a viable option, but your dentist will always explore all of your options before recommending extractions for dentures.
Dentists generally recommend taking your dentures out before going to bed. When you first get your dentures, you will typically be told to keep them in your mouth for 24 hours, including when you sleep. After this, you should be taking them out every evening. Wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, leading to soft-tissue irritation and potentially speeding up ridge resorption. Taking dentures out gives the gums a chance to recover and get the nutrients that they need while you sleep. Ultimately, is a good idea to take your restoration out while you catch some Zs.
If you need to have teeth extracted before you can get dentures, you will probably experience some soreness for a few days after oral surgery. By taking recommended over-the-counter and prescribed pain relievers as directed, the discomfort should improve in about 3 to 5 days. When you first get new dentures, some minor irritation may occur while your mouth adjusts to the new appliance. If discomfort persists, give us a call so we can help.
When you lose your teeth, your facial muscles will begin to sag. This can give your face a sunken appearance. Getting dentures will mean providing support to the facial muscles that have collapsed, therefore improving your appearance. Ill-fitting dentures do not give your facial muscles the proper support, so you should arrange to have your denture refitted as soon as you realize that it doesn’t fit properly.