The temporomandibular joints, otherwise known as TMJ, are the hinges before your ears that allow you to maneuver your jaw for eating, speaking, laughing, and yawning. Similar to all other joints, your TMJ can be vulnerable to injuries or strain, which can result in temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). This condition can present itself with issues like jaw stiffness or discomfort, earaches, headaches/migraines, and teeth grinding during sleep. To protect your smile and alleviate pain, our team can offer TMJ treatment in Fargo for patients with chronic jaw problems. Read on or give us a call if you wish to schedule an appointment.
Also known as TMJ dysfunction or TMD, TMJ disorder is associated with numerous issues that impact the jaw joint and the function of the nearby tissues. While the jaw is designed to chew effectively and move so you can speak and laugh comfortably, its hinges can be delicate and sometimes wear down over time. If left unaddressed, it can affect your bite, your ability to chew, talk, yawn, and can even make it uncomfortable to sneeze. TMD can occur due to various factors, including chronic stress, a misaligned bite, overuse of the jaw joint, and more.
Jaw discomfort is perhaps the most common symptom of TMD. That said, this is only a surface-level indication of a problem with your TMJ. You might also have this disorder if you’re experiencing one or some of the following:
Like with most treatments, there are no one-size-fits-all approaches to treating TMD. During your consultation, our team can take X-rays, evaluate your oral health, review your symptoms, and determine the best way to address your situation. The solution for your specific TMD will be based on the root of the problem, which can range from muscle tension to major dental issues. Our team typically offers the following solutions for alleviating TMD pain:
This is a personalized oral appliance that is meant to keep your jaw in place so it can relax, along with the surrounding muscle tissues. By training your jaw to stay put in a neutral position, you can give your tissues a chance to recover, allowing a more lasting solution for reducing TMD discomfort.
If the root cause of your TMD is due to minor imperfections in how your upper and lower teeth come together, we might be able to alter your pearly whites to help your bite. We’ll carefully and strategically reshape some of your teeth so that they can fit together more perfectly, as well as any restorations you may have that are causing any problems.
If you have a problem with the TMJ or teeth clenching or grinding, it not only allows your negative symptoms to persist. If it goes untreated, TMJ disorder can also lead to faster enamel wear, meaning your teeth will be more prone to fractures or damage. It also can interfere with normal functions, including eating. Although you can eat softer foods to give your TMJ temporary relief, you do need to be able to open and close your mouth to eat. Over time, TMJ disorder can also lead to a sleep condition called sleep apnea, where you actually stop breathing for a brief period. Ultimately, it is important to treat TMJ problems instead of trying to ignore them.
In response to stress, some people clench or grind their teeth while they are awake. This force and strain on the joint and muscles can lead to TMJ pain, headaches, or any of the other symptoms. Others clench or grind their teeth while they are asleep and cannot control this response. Sometimes the strain on the TMJ results from an uneven bite. An oral appliance and equilibration can make a difference, stop you from harming your smile, and reduce your symptoms.
It may. Studies have found that those who chew gum intensively or for long periods of time tended to experience TMJ pain and other symptoms more prevalently than those who don’t. If you chew gum every now and then, it shouldn’t negatively impact your jaw, but if you are struggling with the results of TMJ disorder, you could stop until you get treatment.
At Cornerstone Dental, we try to take advantage of cutting-edge technology to be as accurate as possible in diagnosis and treatment. As a result, we use our 3D cone beam scanner to capture and recreate a 3D model of your oral cavity. From this scan, we can see if the problem is with the joint itself, with your bite, or another cause. After we identify the issue, we can properly prescribe the right treatment that will resolve your symptoms and give you much-needed relief. If an oral appliance is necessary, we will use our digital impression system to make sure it fits you precisely and comfortably.